New Britain Police Athletic League 5k
POSTPONED–Date TBD Join us for the New Britain Police Athletic League’s 1st annual 5k race! INFO RESULTS […]
POSTPONED–Date TBD Join us for the New Britain Police Athletic League’s 1st annual 5k race! INFO RESULTS […]
RACE CANCELED For 2020, NYTT is continuing its partnered with the Cheshire Community YMCA for our race. We are re branding the race to become the Cheshire YMCA Splash and Dash to better align as a YMCA Race4Chase fundraiser. Since its inception in 2014, the NYTT coaching staff has prided itself in teaching youth in […]
RACE CANCELED Norwich Splash and Dash will take place at Mohegan Park where youth will run-swim-run to the finish. Age groups- *5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14; Additional SuperSprint distance added this year for ages 11-17 (optional). Everyone will receive a medal as they cross the finish line. Post race food and beverages will be provided […]
RACE CANCELED-See you in 2021!! Presented by the Time to TRI Youth Foundation- Join us for this family friendly youth duathlon at the beautiful Hopeville State Park in Griswold, CT. Youth participants ages 5-17 will run, bike, and run on the roads and trails inside the park. PLEASE NOTE- Races time is 9AM! Check-in is […]
RACE Canceled-See you in 2021 Join us for a 5K or Kids Run starting at Sales Elementary School to benefit the children at Sales Elementary School in Baltic! Sponsored by the Sales School PTO. INFO RESULTS […]
RACE CANCELED YOUTH Duathlon- Can you run and ride a bike? Are you looking for a new challenge? We will have different distances for each age group. Course this year will be in the beautiful Fort Trumbull neighborhood on the water! This is a family friendly event where we encourage all abilities to enter and […]
Run, walk or crawl this 5K through quiet seaside streets of Waterford. Enjoy flat, scenic views of Long Island Sound all while supporting a great cause! Join us for the third annual Addy’s Run to help raise awareness for CLOVES: a rare disease that affects about 250 people worldwide. Adalynn “Addy” is a local Waterford resident […]
Join us for the Miles for Military 5K and 2.5K Race Saturday, November 9, 2019. Come Celebrate Veteran’s Day with a run! 5K Race begins at 9:30 AM. 2.5K race begins at 9:00 AM. Road race for the whole family. Run the Submarine 5K or choose the Minion 2.5 K for a shorter distance! INFO […]
Color run 5k. Raising money, having fun & making friends in Full Color! Proceeds support student enrichment activities. INFO RESULTS […]